The Badass CEO

EP 42: Shauna Reiter, founder of Alaya Naturals on How She Runs Her Business from Home

Mimi MacLean Episode 42

 On this week's podcast, Shauna Brittenham, the founder of Alaya Naturals, and a mother of two whose personal journey with autoimmune disease inspired her to create her all-natural supplement company. Brittenham researched the highest quality, clean ingredients that could make a positive impact on your health and nourish the body. We discussed how she runs her business from home, what sustainable manufacturing practices Alaya Naturals implements, and how she balances motherhood with running a full-scale business.

Tune in to learn:

  • Why she believes DTC is crucial for small businesses
  • How to budget and cut unnecessary overhead 
  • How she financed her clean supplement business
  • Why you need to promote responsibility and imagination to your kids

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Welcome to The Badass CEO podcast. This is Mimi MacLean. I'm a mom of five, entrepreneur, Columbia Business School grad, CPA, and Angel Investor, and I'm here to share with you my passion for entrepreneurship. Throughout my career I have met many incredible people, who have started businesses, disrupted industries, persevered, and turned opportunity into success. Each episode we will discuss what it takes to become and continue to be a badass CEO, directly from the entrepreneurs who have made it happen. If you're new in your career, dreaming about starting your own business, or already an entrepreneur, The Badass CEO podcast is for you. I want to give you the drive and tools needed to succeed in following your dreams.

Before I get started, I wanted to talk to you about accounting and bookkeeping. As you may know, I'm a CPA, and this is a topic that still makes my stomach turn. However, I found a company that does it all for you at a super reasonable price. They do your bookkeeping and tax returns with ease. I couldn't believe how easy it was to get my books up to date, actually, because they were a little behind, and how inexpensive it was too. To learn more about it, go to, with that link, you receive 30% off your first three months. So definitely check them out and save some stress this year.

Welcome back to The Badass CEO. This is Mimi, and today we have Shauna Reiter, and she's the founder of Alaya Naturals, an organic superfood company, whose mission is to empower and nourish. Reiter's personal journey with an auto-immune disease that affected her energy levels and sleep postpartum, inspired her to research and test different superfoods in order to heal her body. This is how a Alaya Naturals came to be. The brand is founded on clean ingredients, science-backed combinations, and sustainable manufacturing. Alaya offers a variety of products from superfood powders like collagen and greens to pea protein powder. Learn how Shauna was able to grow her company while at home with her children during COVID. To get your top 10 tips, every entrepreneur should know, go to

Shauna, thank you so much for coming on today. I'm excited to hear about your story. And so let's just dive in. I would love for you to talk about how you came up with your idea and also what you were doing at the time, when you came up with your idea.

Sure. Well, what I was doing at the time is trying to survive with a 24-month old and a newborn. I have a history of auto-immune disease. I was born with neutropenia, also called leukopenia, which basically means that my body doesn't produce a normal white blood cell count. In my teens, I was also diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, ulcerative colitis and parasites, simultaneous to the discovery of my white blood cell issue.

So I had a history of using food and nutrition and alternative healing methods to guide me to superior health. And when my second child was born, I began to slide down a path that felt really intimidating and very reminiscent of my teenage years, where I was depleted and just feeling like I was barely hanging on. And so in effort to try to abate some of those symptoms and the impending reality of sheer burnout, I tried everything that I could find on the market to supplement my diet. I had been breastfeeding already at that point for two straight years. I breastfed through my pregnancy with my second child.

So as you know, breastfeeding strips pounds of minerals from the body, and so at that point, I really felt like there was not enough I could eat to satiate me at any given hour of the day. I could be found munching and I was always dissatisfied. So I realized that supplementation and a really comprehensive food regimen would be what would really help support my body as it had in my early teens. But nothing I tried made me feel any different. I tried all kinds of super green blends and protein powders and collagen, which had been recommended by my doula for stretch marks, by the way. Now, of course I'm focused more on the anti-aging properties. But I really tried everything I could get my hands on to feel like myself and nothing was working.

And at that point I said to my husband, "I need to take matters into my own hands, and basically, create my own personal medicine cabinet of supplements and nutrition that I feel will keep me from reverting, once again, to a place where I'm not the woman I know I was meant to be."

Right. And did you know at that point what was missing? Or were you kind of just looking-

I had a pretty good idea, because I've been studying nutrition my entire life, informally, and I've worked with a number of alternative health practitioners. Since the time I was 14, I've been seeing Chinese herbalist, osteopaths, homeopathic practitioners, functional medicine doctors. I really have a tribe, an extensive tribe of people I consult with. And the needs of our body changes as time progresses, and especially after having kids, my need shifted pretty drastically. But I had already educated myself about what I felt would be the fundamental supplements that would keep me going, you know?

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

In particular, fish oils and a certain protein powder that I could take every time after breastfeeding, the collagen, and then something to boost my immune system, so I had the olive leaf extract in the mix. All of those things were already part of my protocol. I just wanted to ensure that the standard of purity was one that I could trust and count on and that it wasn't abhorrent to consume, because some of the flavors of these powders are really just not in agreement with my palette. I'll put it that way.

Yeah. And they're also not safe. I mean, a lot of them have fillers or they're just filled with things and you don't really know. Okay, you bring up a good point, so-

Heavy metals, that's why we do spirulina is in the mix, because that detoxifies heavy metals as well. And there's just, unfortunately, so much in our diet that even if we're eating organic and counting our cups of vegetables every day, it's not like we're eating the way our grandparents did. The soil is depleted of minerals, things in transport take, sometimes days to arrive at the grocery store, and then sit on the shelves for days before we even put them in our fridge, and then they're waiting around and wilted. So we're already eating food... Even if we're eating seasonally and picking produce directly from the farmer's market, we're not in the position our grandparents were, where we could just pluck things from really mineral dense soil and feel like we're getting all the nutrients we need. And by the way, most of us don't eat seasonally.

Right, exactly.

And that's part of the beauty of living in California, but it also, from an Ayurvedic perspective, it's not in alignment with the requirements of our body's needs, as they shift through seasons.

So you had this idea and now you're like, okay, how did you know where to go to manufacture it and find the purest ingredients? Was that new to you? Or did you already have a background in that?

Well, it was completely new to me, but my husband did have some experience, and so he was a great resource. I spoke with several other friends in the industry, who had done similar things, not direct competitors, but people I knew who had developed their own products and businesses. I asked friends to connect me with people they knew. I mean, it was a big sort of network of interrogations and investigations. What was most helpful for me, in terms of finding manufacturers and labs to connect with, was I went to Expo West. These trade shows are really helpful, because everyone shows up wanting business. And it's a beautiful exchange between people who require services and people who are able to offer them. And so I initially started out there, and then as I progressed in the industry and my connections became more intimate, I was able to pivot at times when certain relationships were no longer serving the company. But trade shows are a great place to start.

That's great. Since you've started, have you brought on full-time people or have you kind of did it all outsourcing and consulting?

We're a team of five, and so it's very intimate, which means we're all slightly overworked, but we're really happy. I wore a lot of hats initially. So for the first year and a half, I was customer service with a pseudonym. I did all of the copy for our website and newsletters. I was responding through customer... I mean everything that-


... I could possibly do, and my husband was helping a lot with marketing. So it really was a grassroots, organic process. We asked friends to help us fill in the gaps, who had just enough qualification, to learn. Because I was learning, and I didn't feel like I required anyone to have mastery over anything I was asking them to do. It's more just, for me, at least, when I'm hiring people and considering who to work with, it's, how open are you to the process of change and evolution and compromise and working together as a team?

Yep. And so once you launched, what was your strategy to get sales, as marketing? Are you doing wholesale or are you trying to direct to consumer?

No, we're a direct to consumer. We're direct to consumer, and at some point that might change. I really feel like it's super important for companies to, at least in my case, start small, manage the inventory you've got carefully. You don't want to not sell product, right? You don't-


... want to have a bunch of leftover product, and to be really just meticulous with those choices about how and when to move forward. So we're direct to consumer, digital marketing has been huge, Facebook, Instagram. Ad campaigns require a lot of experimentation, as anyone in the marketing world knows.

Are you doing that all in-house or did you hire a company to help?

No, we're doing an all in-house.

In-house, because it gets expensive too, I have heard.

It's incredibly expensive, but you start with a smaller number and if you see it's working, you raise the price. Within a 24 hour timeframe, you can throw more money into the pond, and see what's working and what's not. And so-

Have you found Facebook to be better for you or like a Google?

Facebook has been primarily where we run our ads.

That's great. Okay. And then as far as like financing, have you done that completely on your own or have you had to go through funding?

I haven't had to go through funding, but I did choose to accept the offer of some investors, so I do have a couple of investors. I'm fairly sure I wouldn't be where I am as quickly without their support and guidance. Well, I shouldn't say guidance, more contribution. The guidance has been in-house, but it probably would have taken me longer to get to where I'm going without their contribution. And I've been really grateful for that. I do have as much at stake as they do, which I think is really important for investors to see that you're willing to have some skin in the game that, if they lose, you lose too. It's what-

Yeah. I'm so glad you say that, because as an angel investor, that's one of the things I always have to... Like, "My money is not going towards paying you. I do need to know that your skin's in the game and that you're going to... If this fails, you're going to feel it as much as I do." Because when it's not your own money and you don't have money invested in a company, you kind of forget how painful it is to lose money.

Exactly. And not to say that sweat equity isn't as valuable-


... and there are lots of different arrangements that work for people depending on their circumstances. Not everyone is as blessed as I was to be able to contribute an equal amount to start. But what I will say is, it's very motivating when you know that your bank account is going to dwindle. And it also, for me at least, has made me particularly cautious about expenditures. I mean, that's why, if there's anything we can do in-house, we do. We try it first ourselves. I've never had an office, even pre-COVID. I work from home. My husband, who helps me significantly, works out of the garage. Any overhead that isn't necessary, should immediately be taken off the table. We're just not big spenders. We save our money for the campaigns, primarily.

That's a good idea.

My husband and I designed all the labels. We were shipping initially from our garage. For a large period of time, our garage was our warehouse. Manufacturers would send product to us and we would mail directly. And we got to know where UPS men very well. Now we sell directly from our site and on Amazon, but starting out, we wanted to cut overhead as much as possible. And I recommend that anyone starting a company, who doesn't have a safety cushion to rely on or fall back on, really consider in advance to starting the company where you can cut costs in your life, in general, personally, as well as in your business. So where you live, what you eat, what you do, and don't do, those all affect whether or not you'll have additional funds to spend on the company. And don't spend it all quickly.

That's true. What have you found to be the hardest part about starting your company?

For me, the hardest part has been not being able to spend energy where my heart is. What I love to do most is formulate products, and have incredible conversations with women like you, and directly connect with customers about their particular health struggles. Those are the things I'm passionate about.

The majority of my time is not spent doing those things. It's accounting for inventory. It's perfecting copy. It's finalizing labels. It's dealing with shipping issues. It's all of the, the nuances of making a business work. And so when I'm doing those things, which can sometimes be cranky making, if it feels like you're too far from your soul's purpose or the reason why you started your company, for me, at least it's helpful to understand that every single thing I do for the business is, ultimately, serving people. It's all in service of my goal to provide really, pure, high quality, sustainable nutrition to the people consuming it. So even if it doesn't feel directly motivating to me or thrilling, it's all part of the same offering.

That's great. Now, did you ever think you were going to be an entrepreneur and start your own company?

No. No, not at all. I was a singer/songwriter for a while for a decade. I mean, I'm still, I just wrote a really jazzy version of Rock-a-bye Baby for a girlfriend, who just had a baby and I'm still singing. But no, it was kind of born out of my compulsion to get my needs met physically, which because of my history of just really oppressive ailments that took me so long to resolve, became something that I needed to do for myself, first and foremost.

I was solving the problem of my own desperation to feel well. And then it just kind of felt obvious that other women might want this too, and men, we have a lot of men taking our supplements. But it really became, first and foremost, a mission for me to prove that I could meet my own needs, and to get my body what it deserved. I never as a kid was like, "I want to grow up and have my own business." I never think of myself as particularly business-minded, but it's funny, because growing up, my dad was always like, "You'd be a great business woman. You'd be so great." Because I love to negotiate and I love to talk and I love ideas and creativity. And I tend to be sort of unstoppable, when I get something in my head, I want to see it through. But, no, I really didn't have the plan.

That's great. Is there anything you wish you knew before going into this? And you're like, "Oh wait, if I had known that, maybe I wouldn't have done it," or, "If I'd known that, I would've saved money or I would've done it differently."

First of all, there's nothing that would have stopped me from starting a company, but I think to have realistic expectations about how many things go wrong, is probably appropriate and helpful so that people don't become discouraged the minute things crumble and dissolve. I mean, COVID was particularly challenging. We're a small company, and we're mostly in-house, and I have two small kids, and the pandemic started and suddenly they were at home. There was a lot to reconfigure. And so, what I would say, is that I wish someone had said to me, going in, "A lot's going to go wrong, and that doesn't mean that you shouldn't pursue it or that it's not going to be successful. It means that every time something goes wrong, you have an opportunity to upgrade your system, to refine your approach, to re-examine the contribution of each team member, to see where you're efficient and where you're not, to see where you're wasting time or money."

There are a lot of different things that can be reevaluated as a consequence of things going wrong. And initially, I was like, "Oh no, boohoo, poor me. We can't ship internationally anymore, because of COVID, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah." And then it was like, "No, but now I have more time to focus on my domestic customers. And here's how I can take advantage of that, and use this time differently." Everything is an opportunity. And so if we choose to see it that way, there will probably be some level of success. And if there isn't, it doesn't mean it's not the right idea. It may just be the wrong time, but nothing has to be this black and white all or nothing, when there are struggles. With companies every day, there will be something that goes wrong, small or large, almost every day.

There isn't a week that goes by where... Let me, I had labels that came in three days ago, they're completely... they were wrong. All the labels were wrong. We had to start from scratch, people were expecting product. Early on in the company that would have felt like really daunting to me. And now I just have perspective that like, things go on, we have trusted customers at this point. There are a lot of really beautiful patient people who are supportive of small business owners. And so when a lot of things were going wrong, initially, because I had taken way too much on too fast and didn't have a big enough team, I wrote letters every single time something went wrong or someone was upset, I wrote a personal letter. So, "Hey, I'm still waiting on my order. My order hasn't come through."

And that's because I just hadn't processed it, because I was so busy that day, I just had forgotten to process... the basic fundamental thing, get the person their product, right?


I hadn't done it. And I would write an email and say, "I'm so sorry, Kristin, that you haven't gotten your product, please accept 20% off this order. And I'm going to throw in a greens powder." And then someone who was so aggravated and upset and felt like I let them down, suddenly was a huge fan and really supportive of what I was trying to do. Because they received an apology, and they got more than they were originally asking for. So good customer service has gotten me so much farther than I had realized. And really, I mean, I was just doing it on principle, ethically, not to receive more loyalty or allegiance from these people. I just felt awful and wanted to make it up to them. And as a consequence, I had people writing back, "I will be a customer for life," because I had offered them-

Oh, that's great.

... something in response to their concern or complaint.

That's great. I know you're a mom and you just addressed this a little bit with COVID, but is there any tips or tricks or anything that makes your life more efficient in balancing, the home/work life, as far as like keeping all the balls in the air? Any tips that you have that you can pass on?

Gosh, we could do a whole podcast on this [crosstalk 00:20:39]-

I know, right.

... seriously. But number one, empower your kids to do things for themselves, whenever possible. That I had to learn out of necessity, because I just didn't have enough time. I realized I was sort of spoiling them and I hadn't been aware of it, but I was letting them get away with not picking up the messes they had created or contributing to meal time preparation. I was sort of trailing around them, to a certain degree, cleaning up their messes, literally, and figuratively. And obviously, you can't do this with a newborn or a one-year-old, but my kids were barely three and barely five. I mean, days into being three and five, when lockdown occurred. So they're small people, and I realized that my daughter wasn't capping the pens, and that was taking a lot of time for me everyday, her markers rather, and it takes time to cap markers.

And so it was like, "Oh, wait a minute. You don't get to open 15 pens and then not close them." The other thing is why are there 15 pens? That was the other thing that I went through, was this process of just reevaluating our entire lives from a material standpoint, and how much time and upkeep our stuff was requiring. One of the biggest stressors I had time-wise was dealing with the domestic necessities of running a house. And I was like, "Well, wait a minute. Why am I washing 14 shirts?" There's only like three shirts my daughter actually chooses from her closet every day, but she'll pull out five others to dig through and get to those three. So I literally, Mimi, boxed up like half of our house. It felt so cathartic.

I spent a couple of weeks, maybe more like a month, really studying what the kids gravitated towards, what they wanted to wear, what snacks they loved. And I put everything else away. Snacks, for instance, also, was something that they would.. "Mommy, I'm hungry. I need a snack." Okay, so at the beginning of the day now, because of COVID, I put everything that's available to them throughout the course of a day in a lunchbox. And then there's a place on a low shelf in the fridge for the refrigerated stuff, and I'm like, "Go for it. Whenever you're hungry, you can help yourself to your snack." Whereas I used to be running in and out of the kitchen, in the middle of meetings, between meetings and Skype calls. And I'm in the middle of writing copy, and the kid's, "I want a snack." And it was like, "Wait a minute, this isn't their problem. It's my problem that I've created. They've just fallen into the paradigm that I've created of them being-"

Especially when you know that they like go to... My daughter went to a Montessori school and you're like, they did all that stuff there. Why can't they do it at home? And that's when you realize-

I was a Montessori preschool teacher.

That's right.

And, yet, I didn't implement it in the home, because when you are not forced to be efficient, sometimes it's just easier to play the short game versus the long game. And all of a sudden it was like, "Oh, we're in a marathon here with COVID and in life. And I want to teach my kids to be self-empowered little individuals."

But do you feel like... So for me, I feel like I've kind of been that way for a while, just because out of having five and trying to work. But then I feel guilt, because I'm feeling guilty. I don't make my kids lunch boxes. I used to make my kids' lunch boxes, but then I realized everything was coming home, and I'm like, "Well, this is a waste of time, my time. A waste... they don't like it obviously. And it's a waste of money." So now I'm like, "Okay, everyone go on Amazon, as long as it's healthy, you guys can buy your snacks and whatever you want for lunch, and you guys make your own lunch," and everyone's happier. And so [crosstalk 00:24:11]-

You're creating little entrepreneurs.

But then I'm the one who's feeling bad. I'm not the mom making the lunch box, so then I started feeling like I'm not right.

These are very outdated paradigms of what it means to be a good mother. And so, the perspective needs to shift to, I am not the mom who's making my kids' lunches. I'm the mom who's empowering my children to make wise choices for what goes into their bodies. That they grow into adults who make wise choices of what goes into their bodies, and they know how to navigate technology. And they know how to navigate getting things from one place to another, and making it all work and then throwing their trash away. I mean, that's, to me, a much more valuable offering as a mother than-

Right, in the long-term.

There are a million ways to show your child love and care, right?


I'm sure when they're hurt you, don't tell them to get over it and go fend for themselves, right? So like-


I feel like we save our energy now for what's really meaningful and valuable. And what's valuable, isn't making a child's lunch, necessarily, it's showing them that you're watching them when they're putting on a show, a theatrical performance. Or my son created this whole world, we're not at home right now, and so they have no toys in the house we're staying in, and what they have available to them right now are bubble wrap and Amazon cardboard boxes and some markers, that is it. So they spent four hours, my son and daughter, making a whole world out of cardboard boxes and coloring them. And it's like-

That's great.

... their imaginations exploded. And so sometimes I feel like less is more, and they'll figure it out in a way that's actually much more appropriate to them and suited to their personalities and ways of doing things. You might have a child who is eats tiny amounts of food all throughout the day is more of a grazer, and you might have a kid who wants a giant meal. It's like, that's a great thing for them to learn about their bodies, but if they don't have a chance to have that independence and autonomy, they don't even know what their needs are.

No, that's true. I always say, and like I say to my kids, like my five-year-old, I'm like, "You guys would actually be fine, as long as you have Amazon, you could stay in this house all week without an adult. As long as you have someone being able to... You know how to order, and bring in food. You'd be set, you guys are so independent." So it is true. It is very true.

Okay. So just to like close up, is there anything that you would say to somebody who is listening that's thinking about leaving their company or thinking about starting a business or in the downs of their company and kind of struggling? I feel like our community is there for women who are entrepreneurial that are like... It's very lonely, right? To be an-


... entrepreneur. You have to put on a good face and not really show all your cards all the time. So is there anything you would say to anybody who's listening right now that could inspire them?

I mean, number one, if you have an idea that you believe in, don't give up on it, because it's not working the first take. The first try is just a first try, and there are lots of drafts and incarnations of things, when you... I just finished a memoir, and I literally sent my first query letter to an agent yesterday. I was thinking about all the drafts that I went through of just query letters, just to see if I could get an agent. There's a lot of different ways that an idea can manifest and just keep working on it and refining it until it feels like something that the world is ready to receive.

And then don't be afraid to ask for help. I asked everyone. I knew I was shameless about asking for help, about people defining words that I did not understand, consulting marketing books, but mostly just really joining networks of people, whether it's through Facebook or through friends. Asking friends of... "Hey, do you know anyone who I can talk to about this particular thing?"

I just got an email from a friend, whose friend is starting a small publishing company and wanted some basic info about shipping. There were some questions she wanted answered about shipping. And my friends said, "Can she call you?" I said, "Of course she can." I was so grateful to have people to call, when I was in that phase. It's very important, I think, to understand that everyone wins when people help each other. There's enough in the pot for everyone. I feel like unless there's some proprietary blend that you don't want to share with a competitor, which is totally legitimate. But all in all, we're supposed to be working in conjunction with one another, and merging ideas, and then all sort of evolving simultaneously. So I would just say, ask for help and really don't be afraid of what you don't know. And if something doesn't seem to be working, you can table it and try it again later.

It was helpful for me personally, to have a little bit of a financial safety net. This is just a kind of basic disclaimer, isn't a requirement at all. But for me, I did have some savings to draw from, because I didn't pay myself for quite a long time. And so not everyone knows when they first started business, that it could be easily a couple of years before you're making money. And then when you are making money, you may need to make the decision between whether you want to pay yourself or continue to reinvest in the company and expand the company for the bigger payoff later on. And so we're in that conversation right now. But ultimately even if it's just like, you've got a couch you know you can sleep on, or good friends who will cook some food for you, if you're sort of down and out while you're not able to pay yourself. Set yourself up to understand that you're going to be maybe putting a lot of money in and a lot of time in, without taking much out.

And so get that organized in advance, but there's no reason not to pursue it just because you don't have tons of money and tons of time. I'm just a believer-

Right, but also-

... that everyone should follow their heart and their dream.

Right. No, that's great advice. Or they squeeze it in, if they stay working and do it at night or do it on the weekend. It's just amazing what time you can find.

I wrote my book at 4:45 AM every morning. That's all the time I had. I woke up at 4:30, started writing at 4:45, and was available to my children by 6:30. And I wouldn't have been able to write it otherwise, while running the company, while having two children at home during the pandemic. So you figure out real quickly what your priorities are. If you're not willing to make certain... I really got into Mad Men recently. I had somehow skipped that brilliant show way back when, when it first aired. And I would love to spend all night watching it. I really... I'm having this love affair with Don Draper. I just can't wait to get into that and watch it. But guess what? That means that I then won't be able to get up at 4:45. So every night and every day you have to make decisions about what's important.

And it's not to say that you should drop everything and never see a friend and never take a walk. All of those things create balance that creates sustainability personally and professionally, but there are certain sacrifices that will need to be made initially, for sure.

Like Mad Men.

Mad Men was out for a while, and by the way, so was just doing anything at night. I was going to bed between 8:00 and 8:30, so that I could get up at 4:30, because I don't fall asleep right away. So I mean, that's something that, for me, became just part of my routine. It's no longer necessary. I finished the book. So now I'm back to waking up at 6:00.

Oh, good.

You figure out what's consuming your time and what's truly valuable and important to you. And rearrange and reconfigure accordingly.

This has been amazing Shauna, and anybody who wants to check it out, it's Alaya, You can go on there and try her products.

And I've created a discount code for your people, badass 20, So 20% off your first order of anything that you want to try.

Well, thank you so much. That is awesome. So we'll-

My pleasure.

... also put that in the show notes for anybody who's listening and driving and can't take it down. But thank you so much. This has been amazing.

Thank you for having me. It was such a pleasure. I really appreciate it.

Thank you for joining us on the Badass CEO. To get your copy of the top 10 tips every entrepreneur should know, go to Also, please leave a review, as it helps others find us. If you have any ideas or suggestions, I would love to hear them, so email me at See you next week and thank you for listening.